Tuesday, March 27, 2012


It's only March, but you may be already experiencing the all to familiar sneezing and nasal congestion symptoms that tell you your seasonal allergies are back. In previous years, you may not have had this problem for another 6 weeks, but with Spring's early arrival, the pollen levels are much higher than typical. Lately, I am seeing more patients who have been caught off guard  by the early warm up and are suffering from the worst allergy symptoms they have ever had.

Allergies are nothing to sneeze at (pardon the pun) and can be very disruptive to your daily life. Other than the typical symptoms we think of, seasonal allergies cause fatigue, skin disorders and breathing difficulties.  Studies have found that allergies result in 3.5 million lost workdays and 2 million lost schooldays each year. Besides for lost productivity, allergy suffers spend 2 times more on medications and doctor visits.

To treat allergies, you can either seal yourself in a plastic bubble (probably not a good idea) or try one of the multiple remedies that are available by prescription or over the counter. Besides the typical medications that are used, there are many other options that allergy suffers can benefit from.

Nasal Rinses
Nasal rinses have been used for centuries in India as a discipline of yoga. Today, physicians often recommend this practice for the treatment of allergies, upper respiratory illnesses and sinus infections. The theory behind the use of nasal rinses is that allergens and pollutants are removed from the nasal cavity along with mucous allowing for less inflamation and improved air flow. There are a variety of products available to perform nasal rinses, however I typical encourage my patients to use a neti pot or irrigation bottles. Neti pots are the more traditional product used in yoga and look like a lamp that a geni may pop out of. Many patients are hesitant to pour saline into their nose, but after trying it, they can quickly appreciate the benefits.

HEPA Filters
Since it's not feasible to seal yourself in a plastic bubble, the alternative is to remove allergans from the air. High efficiency particle air filters (HEPA) are the effective means to limit the allergans in the house. Studies have demonstrated the benefits of HEPA filters in helping control allergy symptoms. Not only is pollen removed, but also indoor allergans from dust mites and animal dander. Individuals suffering from asthma have also been shown to have better control of their asthma symptoms when using a HEPA filter.

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